We, at Sacred Heart, have a long history of service by lay ministers. Among others, our choirs, acolytes, ushers, Eucharistic Ministers and Pre-Cana workers have devoted many hours of service to their fellow parishioners. Without them, our parish could not thrive.

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With this information you the parishioner can select which areas fits your talents, so that we can all participate in the development of Sacred Heart.  All are urged to review the ministries & groups, and to consider their ability to contribute time and talent to God.
You are always welcome to contact the rectory to make a commitment, but you can also email the listed contact for the group, where listed.

Thank you to our Brothers in Christ Ministry for putting together our Groups and Ministries Directory.  

If you would like a copy please contact us

This page is still growing, so if there are any groups missing please contact us.  In addition if any group leader would like to change anything that is currently posted please contact us.